The Best Video Intro Maker

"I was looking for something just like Placeit to make my videos. Finally found it!"
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Creating an animated video may seem like a tough challenge, but it can actually be very easy when you use the right tools. Using this video intro maker, making your intro videos will be dead simple! Adding custom intros to your videos really steps up your video game on YouTube or any other video platform. You can use these videos to show off your logo, your brand, your catchphrase, or anything else you want your videos to start with. If you’re starting a YouTube channel, having a proper intro for your videos is a must. Simply take a look at any successful YouTube channel and you will notice they always use awesome branding assets like custom intros! Not only will this give your channel a professional edge, but it can also help you establish a recognizable brand. There are thousands of intro options including logo reveals, logo bumpers, and text animations. Not only are these great for YouTube, but they also make for great intros for presentations or tradeshows. Using video content is by far the simplest and most effective method to establish a successful brand voice for your business. You can make a YouTube intro in a flash and here is how you do it: Stop relying on a designer and take charge of your next project with a bit of help from Placeit. All you need to do is pick a template from thousands of intros and customize it to get a professional look. You can also find a vast music library where you can choose royalty-free tracks to include in your videos! Use this intro maker for YouTube to make engaging videos for your channel. You can even a few free intro makers and logo videos! Choose one of our templates and start customizing it now!